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Studio Project | 2 weeks (2020)
UX strategy and design

G care plug in


Aim (what): designing for a better future. With the world dealing with the pandemic, the brief was to brainstorm as a class a problem being faced by the world due to COVID. Then Individually come up with a digital intervention that can help in mitigating it.

Context (why): Many daily wage workers had lost jobs and mid-day meals for kids in schools had stopped due to the pandemic. NGOs had relief material but distributing it was a big concern because of safety precautions and accessibility to the needy.


Concept (how): A plug-in Google maps that will enable any registered NGOs to find & collaborate with local schools, who are willing to offer their premises space & mid-day meal resources, to help conduct food drives for the surrounding BPL families.

Problem statement
How can I create a digital intervention to mitigate the food crisis faced by people of the BPL sector??


Problem identification

After multiple speculative discussions about problems faced due to COVID 19 in class, the topic of food crisis in the time of pandemic was chosen. Accordingly, secondary research was done for a contextual inquiry by watching videos of world food programs, national and international channels.

1. There has been an acute shortage of food because of disruption of supply chains, mid-day meals at schools stopped, and loss of livelihood to a vast majority who were daily wage workers.

2. The major problem Identified was that there are initiatives happening across India to provide for the needy but the help isn’t reaching them.

3. NGOs have food to distribute but aren’t able to do that because people crowd the streets without keeping social distancing in consideration.

User persona & Empathy mapping

The User persona was defined to fix the end beneficiary of the system. Empathy map helped me identity some key pain and gain points that could be tapped with the solution.

Solution_ a digital intervention

It was difficult to look for ways to solve the problem with a digital intervention since the main stakeholders don’t have access to technology nor can they afford it. Thus, the decision was made to intervene at a place where accessibility and affordability are not much of an issue which resulted in the following system architecture was created.

System design model.jpg
Information architecture
Look and feel / Identity
Outcome Screens

Concept: Thus, I researched and proposed a prototype for a solution that connects NGOs who wished to donate food to the needy can do so by collaborating with schools that used to serve mid-day meals to harness the space available. This solution could be incorporated as a plug-in already existing apps and could be tapped to distribute benefits more than just food to the needy.


The screens are made from the perspective of an NGO official operating the plug-In to collaborate with a school.

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